1 How to use our extension

Word Cloud Generator

Welcome to Word Cloud Generator

Thank you for installing and using our extension


There are also other options for creating word clouds. These include Microsoft Word.

Yes, you can create a Word Cloud in Microsoft Word

To add the Word Cloud tool, follow these steps:

Click Insert > Text Boxes > Word Cloud.

Click and drag on the page where you want the cloud to appear.

Type or paste text into the box.

Click OK.

Wordle is a free online tool that generates word clouds from text you provide. The site lets users customize fonts, colors, layouts and background images for their word clouds. Wordle also allows people to save the images to their computers in several different formats.

Cloudwords is a free online tool that creates word clouds from text provided by users or from files on their computers. The site can also convert PDFs into word clouds, but it requires users to upload their documents before creating them.


  1. Install the Extension
  2. After installing the extension, click on the icon on the toolbar.

Create your word cloud from your text file quickly from local computer.